Every Wednesday evening we gather for intercession for the restoration of Israel.
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
Prayer Alert -- Gaza March of Return
Tomorrow, Friday, the Palestinians in Gaza, under the leadership and control of Hamas, will continue with their ‘March of Return.’
The intention of the march is articulated quite clearly by the heads of Hamas, who have declared that this march is, the ‘beginning of our return to ‘all of Palestine.’ The ‘March of Return’ events are planned to continue until May 15, Israel’s Day of Independence.
Having failed to achieve much last Friday, Hamas has amassed thousands of tires, to burn as a smoke screen, to impede Israel’s ability to defend the fence and target the main instigators and agitators (most of the time these are Hamas operatives). They also plan to use mirrors to blind Israel’s soldiers, as well as lasers.
Tomorrow, Friday, the Palestinians in Gaza, under the leadership and control of Hamas, will continue with their ‘March of Return.’
The intention of the march is articulated quite clearly by the heads of Hamas, who have declared that this march is, the ‘beginning of our return to ‘all of Palestine.’ The ‘March of Return’ events are planned to continue until May 15, Israel’s Day of Independence.
Having failed to achieve much last Friday, Hamas has amassed thousands of tires, to burn as a smoke screen, to impede Israel’s ability to defend the fence and target the main instigators and agitators (most of the time these are Hamas operatives). They also plan to use mirrors to blind Israel’s soldiers, as well as lasers.

(Photo from article which appeared in ynet: https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5221045,00.html)
Israel has warned of the ecological disaster that the tire burning will bring. Hamas seems to care less. https://www.timesofisrael.com/cogat-warns-of-unprecedented-pollution-as-gazans-amass-tires-to-torch-at-protest/
The IDF is confident it can deal with the situation. Remember that any success, even an apparent one, for Hamas will be copied in Samaria and Judea!
The Larger Perspective
It is important to remember the larger picture when praying for specific issues regarding Israel, such as stated above.
The Larger framework is the work of God in the earth and Israel’s centrality to His plan. Many places in scriptures show this quite clearly. One such place is Zechariah 12 including the first verse of Zechariah 13. I highly advise you to read these passages so that you get a feel for the larger picture. You will be better prepared to pray with conviction and faith into the situation.
Some of the main points found in Zechariah 12:1-13:1 are: a. God as sovereign creator and Lord of all b. The siege of Jerusalem c. God’s intervention d. God’s dealing with the nations according to their attitude to Jerusalem e. The outpouring of the Spirit of repentance and prayer on Israel f. The power of the cleansing blood in bringing salvation g. The taking away of the veil and the revelation of Yeshua the crucified one.
May the Lord fill you with vision and faith and give you an unction to pray and intercede, both for his eternal plan and for events tomorrow (Friday).
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Israel has warned of the ecological disaster that the tire burning will bring. Hamas seems to care less. https://www.timesofisrael.com/cogat-warns-of-unprecedented-pollution-as-gazans-amass-tires-to-torch-at-protest/
The IDF is confident it can deal with the situation. Remember that any success, even an apparent one, for Hamas will be copied in Samaria and Judea!
- Please pray with us for the Lord to turn this evil on its face
- Please pray that Hamas strategy will achieve nothing (Isaiah 54:17)
- Please pray for favorable winds (for Israel)
- Please pray for the IDF to be highly successful in dealing with the fires, the mirrors and any other means meant to blind our soldiers
- Please pray for the least possible casualties
- Please pray that the whole strategy of the ‘March of Return’ will fail
The Larger Perspective
It is important to remember the larger picture when praying for specific issues regarding Israel, such as stated above.
The Larger framework is the work of God in the earth and Israel’s centrality to His plan. Many places in scriptures show this quite clearly. One such place is Zechariah 12 including the first verse of Zechariah 13. I highly advise you to read these passages so that you get a feel for the larger picture. You will be better prepared to pray with conviction and faith into the situation.
Some of the main points found in Zechariah 12:1-13:1 are: a. God as sovereign creator and Lord of all b. The siege of Jerusalem c. God’s intervention d. God’s dealing with the nations according to their attitude to Jerusalem e. The outpouring of the Spirit of repentance and prayer on Israel f. The power of the cleansing blood in bringing salvation g. The taking away of the veil and the revelation of Yeshua the crucified one.
May the Lord fill you with vision and faith and give you an unction to pray and intercede, both for his eternal plan and for events tomorrow (Friday).
Blessings from Jerusalem,