Every Wednesday evening we gather for intercession for the restoration of Israel.
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
Isaiah 62
We read Isaiah 62 together and prayed from it. Please read it for yourself and be inspired by the Word of God to pray into the will of God as revealed there.
Isaiah 62 can be divided into four sections: The Passion of God, the Call of God, the Vow of God and the Command of God.
The Passion of God
What is God's passion expressed here? To bring about Zion's Righteousness and blaze its light on the entire earth. I wonder if we really get what Righteousness is, the kind that can stand in the glory-light of God, the type that can be a sufficient cover of our nakedness before the Presence of the Living God in eternity! It is the Righteousness of God Himself! That righteousness can only be received through the work of Messiah on the cross. It is His righteousness and forever will remain so. What Grace! What Holiness! What purity! And He vows to clothe Zion in it!
If you take the first verse to be the Messiah speaking (as it is in Isaiah 61), then you realize this chapter is an expression of HIs passion for going to the cross to accomplish this! Nothing else will do. There is not any other way for His people to dwell with Him as a bride (Isaiah 62:4).
The Call of God
We are called to stand on the walls, as it were, and pray for this awesome and grand work of God in this land. What a stretch to faith; yet nevertheless we are to come up in our faith and pray for this amazing work of God.
We prayed for the great work of God in the Land
The Body as a Holy Priesthood 1Pe 2:5, 1Pe 2:9
In the tabernacle, the priests would come before God bearing the nation and its people on their heart (the ephod represents this bearing before the Lord of the people.)
We were moved to bring the Body before the Lord in such a manner.
The Safety and Keeping of Israel Isaiah 62:8-9
The enemy and his demonic cohorts hate the work of God that is Israel. If there is anything the enemy hates, he hates the Light and Israel represents the soon coming shining forth of the Light of the Glory of God and His Righteousness in the earth; a demonstration of His mighty power to save through the finished work of His Son. (We were not aware that as we were praying, the Hamas was beginning to send rockets -- 80 in all - into Israel).
Thank you for reading this and praying along with us. We highly value your intercessions, and so, we are sure, is the Lord.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
We read Isaiah 62 together and prayed from it. Please read it for yourself and be inspired by the Word of God to pray into the will of God as revealed there.
Isaiah 62 can be divided into four sections: The Passion of God, the Call of God, the Vow of God and the Command of God.
The Passion of God
What is God's passion expressed here? To bring about Zion's Righteousness and blaze its light on the entire earth. I wonder if we really get what Righteousness is, the kind that can stand in the glory-light of God, the type that can be a sufficient cover of our nakedness before the Presence of the Living God in eternity! It is the Righteousness of God Himself! That righteousness can only be received through the work of Messiah on the cross. It is His righteousness and forever will remain so. What Grace! What Holiness! What purity! And He vows to clothe Zion in it!
If you take the first verse to be the Messiah speaking (as it is in Isaiah 61), then you realize this chapter is an expression of HIs passion for going to the cross to accomplish this! Nothing else will do. There is not any other way for His people to dwell with Him as a bride (Isaiah 62:4).
The Call of God
We are called to stand on the walls, as it were, and pray for this awesome and grand work of God in this land. What a stretch to faith; yet nevertheless we are to come up in our faith and pray for this amazing work of God.
We prayed for the great work of God in the Land
- We admitted our need to receive a revelation of God's own passion for His goals
- We acknowledged our need to know the heart of God better and deeper
- We prayed to have a clearer understanding of His heart and thoughts regarding Israel's salvation
- We prayed for a revelation in the land of the cross of Messiah
- We prayed for the Glory of the cross to dawn upon this nation
- We prayed for a divine dissatisfaction to come upon all those who seek righteousness in the Law
- We prayed for a revelation of our naked estate without His righteousness
- We prayed for the Lord to pour out those cleansing waters he promised in Ezekiel 36:25 part of this outpouring is a revelation of the need to be cleansed.
- We prayed for the outpouring the Spirit of Repentance on the nation Ezekiel 36:26 (Which comes after the need is revealed by the Spirit of God)
- Some of our people prayed for faith for their neighbors in these matters
The Body as a Holy Priesthood 1Pe 2:5, 1Pe 2:9
In the tabernacle, the priests would come before God bearing the nation and its people on their heart (the ephod represents this bearing before the Lord of the people.)
We were moved to bring the Body before the Lord in such a manner.
- We prayed that the believers in the Land will be seized by a sight of the Holiness of God and His passion for the Righteousness of His Son to be theirs.
- We prayed for the Body in the Land to be single-minded and single-eyed, to see God alone
- We prayed for a deep work in the Body so that the believers will walk with God in all seriousness, not be flippant, not compromise with the world, not take sin lightly.
- We prayed that the Lord would expose strongholds, bring honesty, expose the old self and that many will eschew these things and turn to Him with their whole hearts
- We prayed for the Lord's protection of His Body: to expose any wrong teaching, false doctrines, and deception within the Body.
The Safety and Keeping of Israel Isaiah 62:8-9
The enemy and his demonic cohorts hate the work of God that is Israel. If there is anything the enemy hates, he hates the Light and Israel represents the soon coming shining forth of the Light of the Glory of God and His Righteousness in the earth; a demonstration of His mighty power to save through the finished work of His Son. (We were not aware that as we were praying, the Hamas was beginning to send rockets -- 80 in all - into Israel).
- Lord, you have vowed that our crops will not be destroyed, yet the enemy is devastating the Gaza region with fire.
- We prayed for God's word to come to pass in protecting, keeping and prospering Israel according to this verse
- We prayed for protection, mentioning the nations around us by name: Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia
- Lord the "chessboard" is yours, the victory is yours, all things will work to reveal Your Son - Psalm 2:6
- Have them in derision Lord Psalm 2:4
- Break them with the Rod of iron His Word and authority Isaiah 2:9
- Lord, your reputation is on the line, You have uttered and committed yourself to exalt your name in the earth by what you do in this nation. You promised to restore it physically and spiritually. How else will the nations know that you alone are God?!
Thank you for reading this and praying along with us. We highly value your intercessions, and so, we are sure, is the Lord.
Blessings from Jerusalem,