Dear Friends,
I sent this following message to our congregation. As we enter into the Day of Atonement, besides interceding for Israel to be brought to the foot of the cross where her King died for her, it would also behoove us to consider the deeper issues of our life in Messiah. May these few thoughts bless you and cause you to draw nearer to Him who IS your atonement.
There is no greater grace and mercy than the forgiveness and reconciliation that God has bestowed upon us, in Yeshua, on the cross. What a wonder! What Grace is this that He, the spotless one, has taken my place on the cross? Every day should and can be the Day of Atonement for us, in which we rejoice in His unfathomable Mercy. Every day can and should be a day in which we are struck with this fearful goodness of God.
At the same time, every day should be a day in which the Living God sits in our hearts on a Mercy Seat towards others. Forgiveness should be the way of life to us, who have tasted of this unspeakable grace of God in Messiah.
If you are moved at all by the Mercy God has had on you, in forgiving you your sins and iniquities, then look up and reflect on these references. Take time to reflect on them, and then, first bow in worship before God, and then go and seek your friends, spouses, co-workers, brothers and sisters, and grant them the grace of forgiveness. Actually, the Lord demands it!
Think too, of the millions of people around you who have never tasted even a small drop of the water of life in this way…. Pray for our people. May the Lord give us all opportunities to share Him with our lost people.
Matthew 6:14-15
Matthew 18:21-35
Luke 7:41-48
Eph. 1:7
Col. 2:13
Col. 3:13
1John 1:8-10
I sent this following message to our congregation. As we enter into the Day of Atonement, besides interceding for Israel to be brought to the foot of the cross where her King died for her, it would also behoove us to consider the deeper issues of our life in Messiah. May these few thoughts bless you and cause you to draw nearer to Him who IS your atonement.
There is no greater grace and mercy than the forgiveness and reconciliation that God has bestowed upon us, in Yeshua, on the cross. What a wonder! What Grace is this that He, the spotless one, has taken my place on the cross? Every day should and can be the Day of Atonement for us, in which we rejoice in His unfathomable Mercy. Every day can and should be a day in which we are struck with this fearful goodness of God.
At the same time, every day should be a day in which the Living God sits in our hearts on a Mercy Seat towards others. Forgiveness should be the way of life to us, who have tasted of this unspeakable grace of God in Messiah.
If you are moved at all by the Mercy God has had on you, in forgiving you your sins and iniquities, then look up and reflect on these references. Take time to reflect on them, and then, first bow in worship before God, and then go and seek your friends, spouses, co-workers, brothers and sisters, and grant them the grace of forgiveness. Actually, the Lord demands it!
Think too, of the millions of people around you who have never tasted even a small drop of the water of life in this way…. Pray for our people. May the Lord give us all opportunities to share Him with our lost people.
Matthew 6:14-15
Matthew 18:21-35
Luke 7:41-48
Eph. 1:7
Col. 2:13
Col. 3:13
1John 1:8-10