Every Wednesday evening we gather for intercession for the restoration of Israel.
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
The night Jeremiah had a good night sleep
For over 40 years, Jeremiah ministered in Judah, proclaiming the Word of the Lord. For this, he was beaten, imprisoned, reviled, rejected, and blamed for conspiring with the enemy. For all of his efforts, he saw zero results. That’s right, zero! Nothing. No change.
Yet, he faithfully spoke and wrote the Word of the Lord and is known today as one of the great prophets. Maybe we in the west need to redefine the word ‘success,’ and ‘results,’ and ‘fruit’ when it comes to ministry.
But there was one night, oh what a night, in which the Lord revealed to Jeremiah His Mercies and Goodness and Love for His people. Beyond showing him the restoration of the Jews from Babylon, He revealed to him the ultimate restoration of Israel in the last days. All centered and founded on the New Covenant! And this of course, through His Son.
There was one night in which Jeremiah saw the Mercy, the Goodness of God such as He had never seen it before. There was one night, in which Jeremiah heard such words of love and grace that brought his weary soul rest. "After this I awoke and looked around, and my sleep was sweet to me." Jer. 31:26
Oh, what a revelation this is! How wonderful for us too, those who pray here in the Land, and for all you who pray in the nations. May you be refreshed by such a revelation. Our prayer for you is that you will receive a renewed revelation of this Goodness and Grace and that you may find new ‘fuel’ in your tank to keep on pressing in prayer.
We prayed for Israel along the lines of the chapter mostly.
The heart of the chapter is the promise of the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34); the basis and fountain of all the Grace and Goodness of God to us.
Jeremiah 31:2-4 Redemption and restoration
Jeremiah 31:7-9 Salvation of Israel includes a return to the Land
Have you noticed that the command to ask God to save Israel, in verse 7, is answered in verse 8 by His bringing them back to the Land?
Jeremiah 31:13-14 The Body of Messiah in the Land
Satiate (vs.14) - filled beyond capacity to absorb any more. Fully satisfied.
Abundance (vs. 14) Deshen in Heb. Fatty ashes left from the sacrifice. Fully satisfied from the sacrifice on the altar - pointing to the future where we will be fully satisfied in Yeshua. He will be more than enough; He IS enough! He will be the joy and All of our heart. All of this is equated to God’s Goodness in the verse.
Isaiah 64:1-4 The intervention of God on Israel’s behalf
Thanks for standing with us for Israel's restoration -- all for the Glory of God!
Blessings from Jerusalem,
For over 40 years, Jeremiah ministered in Judah, proclaiming the Word of the Lord. For this, he was beaten, imprisoned, reviled, rejected, and blamed for conspiring with the enemy. For all of his efforts, he saw zero results. That’s right, zero! Nothing. No change.
Yet, he faithfully spoke and wrote the Word of the Lord and is known today as one of the great prophets. Maybe we in the west need to redefine the word ‘success,’ and ‘results,’ and ‘fruit’ when it comes to ministry.
But there was one night, oh what a night, in which the Lord revealed to Jeremiah His Mercies and Goodness and Love for His people. Beyond showing him the restoration of the Jews from Babylon, He revealed to him the ultimate restoration of Israel in the last days. All centered and founded on the New Covenant! And this of course, through His Son.
There was one night in which Jeremiah saw the Mercy, the Goodness of God such as He had never seen it before. There was one night, in which Jeremiah heard such words of love and grace that brought his weary soul rest. "After this I awoke and looked around, and my sleep was sweet to me." Jer. 31:26
Oh, what a revelation this is! How wonderful for us too, those who pray here in the Land, and for all you who pray in the nations. May you be refreshed by such a revelation. Our prayer for you is that you will receive a renewed revelation of this Goodness and Grace and that you may find new ‘fuel’ in your tank to keep on pressing in prayer.
We prayed for Israel along the lines of the chapter mostly.
The heart of the chapter is the promise of the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34); the basis and fountain of all the Grace and Goodness of God to us.
Jeremiah 31:2-4 Redemption and restoration
- We thanked God for His grace and everlasting New Covenant love
- We thanked God for the drawing power of the Love of God and asked God to draw Israel to Himself. (John 12:32)
- We prayed He will indeed become the God of all the families of Israel (Jer. 31:1)
- We cried for the Presence of God in the Land again - Oh for His presence!
- We cried to God that all Israel shall come to know Him through the cross
- We cried to God that all Israel shall know His forgiveness in the Son - “for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.” (Jer. 31:34)
- We prayed that God would send upon Israel a deep yearning after Him
- We prayed that Israel would be given a deep sense of its need of the Word of God — We have the book, but it is sealed to us; we do not see the Son (Isaiah 29:11)
- We prayed that the Lord would expose the emptiness of all religion without Him
- We prayed that our sovereign God would remove the veil cast over our nation’s eyes
Jeremiah 31:7-9 Salvation of Israel includes a return to the Land
Have you noticed that the command to ask God to save Israel, in verse 7, is answered in verse 8 by His bringing them back to the Land?
- We thanked God for the millions of Jews of who have come back to the land
- We prayed for a great stirring up of Jewish people everywhere to go home
- We prayed that although anti-Semitism is most evil, God would use it to wake many Jewish people to the imperative of the need to emigrate to Israel
- We cried for God to fulfill His promise to bring every last Jewish person to the land
- We asked God to ignite the heart of Jewish people in the US and release them from clinging to a comfortable life or a particular lifestyle
- We asked God to bring the remaining Jews in Arab countries
- We asked God to especially stir up Messianic Jews in the world to come home
- We prayed for the Lord to break up the ‘iron gates’ in the ministry of interior that are preventing Messianic Jews from making Aliya. (We mentioned that it must have looked like the gates of Gaza were formidable and unmovable until Samson walked away with them). We prayed God would remove the ‘gates’ that are barring the way of Aliya, even if it means a change of government.
Jeremiah 31:13-14 The Body of Messiah in the Land
Satiate (vs.14) - filled beyond capacity to absorb any more. Fully satisfied.
Abundance (vs. 14) Deshen in Heb. Fatty ashes left from the sacrifice. Fully satisfied from the sacrifice on the altar - pointing to the future where we will be fully satisfied in Yeshua. He will be more than enough; He IS enough! He will be the joy and All of our heart. All of this is equated to God’s Goodness in the verse.
- We prayed that believers in the land will be taken up utterly with Yeshua
- We prayed that the body of Messiah would turn to seek the Lord as its only love
- We prayed God’s people would hunger and thirst after Him alone
- We prayed for the Body of Messiah to have an eye and ear for Messiah only (See 2Cor 11:1-4 and rest of chapter.)
- We prayed for the Word to rise in our midst, as truth and light giving the Body a taste for God alone, and His Word.
- We prayed for brokenness of heart and heaven’s fire to descend upon the believers
- We prayed for a true and real and straightforward move of God in the congregations to revive them in fervency towards the Lord
Isaiah 64:1-4 The intervention of God on Israel’s behalf
- We prayed for the Lord’s intervention in World affairs
- We prayed for a redemptive move of God on behalf of Israel that the nations might tremble at His presence and know that He alone is LORD
- We prayed for the move of God on the earth in the face of all those nations who have become His adversaries by opposing His eternal plan
- We prayed for the Lord to “fill their faces with shame” that the nations might seek His name (Psalm 83:16-18)
Thanks for standing with us for Israel's restoration -- all for the Glory of God!
Blessings from Jerusalem,