These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
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So much is going on in the Body of Messiah in Israel, and in the world, that those who are called to wait on God, and pray, may feel greatly insecure about their calling. It seems to them, sometimes, that they are doing nothing; and perhaps those who are ‘achieving and doing,’ look at them in that way too.
Thus, I was much encouraged upon reading the following verse: Deut. 10:8 "At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister unto him, and to bless in his name, unto this day."
The Hebrew for ’to minister unto him’ is literally ‘to serve Him.’ This description is all-encompassing. “Servant” is not only a title but a job description; the servant’s job is to wait on the master for whatever he needs or wants. His work is to please His master by doing whatever the master tells him to do, with the masters’ best interest in mind. So it is said of Joseph (Genesis 39:1-4).
But the KJV here is wonderful in that it describes the heart’s intention as well: Unto Him!
Standing before the Lord means to wait upon Him continually until. Ministering unto Him, meant to administer the atonement to the people through the sacrifice; praying for the people before the Lord at the altar of incense, and keeping the testimony of the Lord in worship, reminding the people of God’s holiness and grace and teaching them His Word.
And they were to bless the people in His name, that is they were authorized to represent Him who sat on the Mercy Seat in the Holy Place. God apparently delights in bestowing His blessings on His people, through others, instead of only directly. Does this not show His nature of love.
Of this verse Matthew Henry comments: “And now, under the gospel, when the pouring forth of the Spirit is more plentiful and powerful, the succession is kept up by the Spirit’s work on men’s hearts, qualifying and making some willing for that work in every age.”
And thus this verse is applied to us, all those who are willing to heed His call and humble themselves to serve Him.
I wonder how many ministries in these days, are indeed founded on this understanding of ministry. Even the prayer ministry can become just a busy-ness and a thing we ‘do.’ Many years ago, the Lord warned me, “Ofer don’t organize prayer, just pray.” It sometimes seems that so much of current ministry is based on doing, achievement, results, increase and doesn’t have its root in standing, or waiting, or ministering before the Lord.
Those of us who are called otherwise, need to be reminded and encouraged to continue to stand before Him, wait upon Him, seek His face, intercede, and do whatever else He calls us to do.
The great pivotal points in the history of the world have been a result of prayer! Daniel prayed for the restoration of Israel and saw Babylon fall, Cornelius prayed, seeking God, and Peter was sent to his house; thus the gospel began to flow to the Gentiles from that moment on. And the greatest of all prayers; Yeshua prayed in the garden before He died on the cross.
Some of the most significant events in the history of God’s people have been a result of prayer. Where would Israel be if Moses did not ascend the mountain to intercede for it for forty days and nights? The Sinai Covenant was given to Moses as he was with God for forty days and nights. Yeshua was transformed while praying on the mount. God revealed to Yeshua who his disciples would be, while he was praying in the night. Isaiah was before the Lord in the temple when God showed Himself in glory and holiness. Jacob was changed while he battled in prayer at Peniel. We could go on, but these are enough to make the point.
We are not saying that this is the only sort of ministry there is, not at all. Bezalel, for instance, was imbued with the Holy Spirit and given great wisdom and ability to do the work of building the tabernacle. Some of God’s people have been anointed to lead Israel in battle, others to do or accomplish great things.
But we are saying that it is vital for those who are called to wait on the Lord, seek His face, pray and intercede, and hold a position, to do so.
God’s unfolding plan is vitally connected with prayer, and those who are called that way need to be encouraged and upheld to do so (Remember Aaron and Hur who supported Moses’ arms on the mountain, while Joshua battled in the valley?)
May you be encouraged, renewed, re-determined in your resolve to heed God’s call on your life, to stand before Him and pray.
whereas prayer is the essential work. It is the supreme activity of everything that is
noblest in our personality."
Oswald Chambers
May God bless you from Zion! (by the way, its Purim, the feast of praying Esther and Mordechai)