Every Wednesday evening we gather for intercession for the restoration of Israel.
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
About Prayer
Gen. 4:26 And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of the LORD.
It is very possible that Eve thought that one of her immediate sons would be that "serpent slayer" that the Lord promised her in the garden (Genesis 3:15). Soon enough it became clear that neither Able nor Cain was this one son she expected to be the deliverer, and soon enough it dawned on man that deliverance is a ways off in the future. As man's condition began to dawn upon him, he began to call on the name of the Lord, for redemption, based on His promise to mankind. Interestingly, Enosh is the word we use in modern Hebrew to designate our humanity, frailty, and mortality.
I often wonder if we really understand and feel the desperate the condition of mankind is, how the world is going to pieces without God, how desperately we need His intervention. I wonder how earnestly we cry out to God for His Kingdom to come, for His will to be done. How earnestly are we calling on the Lord to come as He promised?
On the other side of the desperate need are God and His promises. We read Isaiah 52:1-12 His promise to bare His arm (The Son of God in action), unfolds with the most astounding revelation of all -- Yeshua crucified. That is the good news! (Isaiah 52:7). Isaiah 52 leads straight into Isaiah 53!
By sharing these scriptures and thoughts, we stirred ourselves up to pray earnestly for our people.
Praying for Israel's salvation
Imagine waking up one day in the presence of God Himself, after having spent your whole life earning your righteousness by works of the law, based on traditions and on a great effort to keep certain rules. No one tries harder than the religious in this land. but imagine standing before God with nothing but "ashes" for your effort. What a horror!
- We prayed for the salvation of our people, especially the orthodox and the religious
- We prayed for God to bring home the need for Yeshua the Messiah
- We prayed for God to bare His arm (Yeshua) in a mighty unveiling of His person and His work on the cross
- We prayed for God to penetrate the veil of religion cast over our people
- We prayed for a might conviction to fall upon our nation (Zech 12:9-13:1)
- We prayed for the proclamation of salvation to be heard with great power in the land
- We prayed for that mighty confrontation between God and His people in the land (as Joseph and his brothers), what a (good) shock it will be
The longer we prayed in this way, the deeper the reality of the condition of our people became, the reality of sin and of separation from God, the reality of the rejection of Messiah and His work on the cross. The reality of the fix we are in! The presence of God stole over us, producing awe in our hearts. Oh the reality of the need, how desperate it is! It is impossible to put this on paper... and we lingered in prayer, our hearts feeling His broken heart for His people.
We prayed for an awakening in the Body of Messiah in the Land
From that vantage point, we were led to beseech God for a revival of this kind in the Body of Messiah. Oh, how we need to be awakened to Messiah, to be awakened to our constant need for the blood. How we need a broken and contrite heart, a heart turned to God. A heart open to God's finger (Spirit) that would reach the deepest recesses...... How we need hearts that value His salvation, the cross, the Word of God.
- We prayed for a mighty awakening in the Body of Messiah
- We prayed for the Word to take its central place in the teaching and preaching in the land
- We prayed for Yeshua and Him crucified to be proclaimed from the pulpits of the land
- We prayed for the Spirit of repentance and of prayer to flood the Body of Messiah
- We prayed for confessions and for repentance within the meetings of the congregations
- We prayed for God to move in and to turn the 'money changers' tables
- We prayed for the congregations to become a House of Prayer
This is how we were led to pray this week. We never got to praying for Israel's security, but we believe that it is included in the salvation of Israel and that when we are led to pray for the heart of His work -- Israel's salvation and deliverance -- He will act to protect and to defend our nation.
May you have your own awakening today as you turn to Yeshua, and find Him afresh, wherever you are and in whatever situation you are in.
Blessings from Jerusalem,