Every Wednesday evening we gather for intercession for the restoration of Israel.
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
Shalom from Jerusalem,
Our regular intercessory prayer meeting meets on Wednesdays. Bi-monthly, I also attend a Jewish-Arab pastors prayer meeting, and this week we met on Thursday, a day after our regular prayer meeting.
I was surprised and blessed to find a dear brother, who pastors in a neighboring Arab country also attending. He filled me in on what is happening in the Arab world and mainly what is happening in Syria regarding the gospel. It is exciting to learn how much the Lord is working there, but also of the challenges facing the work of God there. I share it here for your encouragement and for prayer, of course.
Pray for God’s work among Syrian Kurds
X shared with me that the work of God among the Muslims in many Arab countries is exploding. In Syria, there is a move of God among the Kurds. Hundreds of them have come to the Lord in the last few years. Many are coming to the workers to inquire of this Yeshua; there is a hunger and a longing for light. Still, others come, as they have experienced a visitation of some sort, whether in a dream or what. Hundreds of House churches have sprung up as a result of this move.
But there is a dark side to all of this delicate and beautiful work. The US plan to pull out of Syria is casting a dark shadow on the future of these churches and believers. Once American troops vacate, Turkey is planning to move in. Wherever the Turkish forces have come, they have persecuted and shut down any Christian activity. Two regions have suffered the most; Efrin and Kobane. There, the Turkish troops have abused and cruelly suppressed these new Christians.
Our regular intercessory prayer meeting meets on Wednesdays. Bi-monthly, I also attend a Jewish-Arab pastors prayer meeting, and this week we met on Thursday, a day after our regular prayer meeting.
I was surprised and blessed to find a dear brother, who pastors in a neighboring Arab country also attending. He filled me in on what is happening in the Arab world and mainly what is happening in Syria regarding the gospel. It is exciting to learn how much the Lord is working there, but also of the challenges facing the work of God there. I share it here for your encouragement and for prayer, of course.
Pray for God’s work among Syrian Kurds
X shared with me that the work of God among the Muslims in many Arab countries is exploding. In Syria, there is a move of God among the Kurds. Hundreds of them have come to the Lord in the last few years. Many are coming to the workers to inquire of this Yeshua; there is a hunger and a longing for light. Still, others come, as they have experienced a visitation of some sort, whether in a dream or what. Hundreds of House churches have sprung up as a result of this move.
But there is a dark side to all of this delicate and beautiful work. The US plan to pull out of Syria is casting a dark shadow on the future of these churches and believers. Once American troops vacate, Turkey is planning to move in. Wherever the Turkish forces have come, they have persecuted and shut down any Christian activity. Two regions have suffered the most; Efrin and Kobane. There, the Turkish troops have abused and cruelly suppressed these new Christians.
Please join us in prayer for the work of God among the Kurds in Syria.
- Pray for some entity to fill the void that the US will leave behind, a body that would be conducive to the work God is doing
- Pray that the Lord would delay or time the US pullout to fit His Own Plans and Purposes
- Pray for the MBB’s in those areas (MBB stands for Muslim Background Believers)
- Pray for the house churches that they will be able to continue to meet by some miracle
- Pray for the leaders of this movement, pastors and workers who are risking their lives to reach their own countrymen with the gospel
- Pray this Arab pastor and all the Arab organizations that were working in Arab lands — that they may be highly successful in reaching out to Muslims throughout the Arab world.
The fantastic thing about this pastor is that he totally believes in the restoration of Israel and the preaching of the gospel that his people do, includes this truth and conviction. That’s the best peace plan I have ever heard of!
The rains have come - We rejoice in the blessing, but continue to pray for the fullness
Water water everywhere! Israel has experienced some excellent rainy weather in the last few weeks. The last few days have seen unusually heavy rains in the north; where it counts the most. The river and the springs are coming to life again, and everyone is delighted. The Sea of Galilee which has suffered terribly in the last 5 years for lack of rain, has come up 21 cm in the previous week alone.
(Video taken from www.ynet.co.il)
Yet, with all of this goodness, the Sea of Galilee is 5 1/2 meters below its optimal level.
We rejoice in the blessing but continue to pray for the fullness.
We long for rain of The Spirit
This is also true for the Holy Spirit fullness we so yearn for. There is plenty of good to thank God for, in the Body of Messiah, yet our hearts long and ache for The Fullness of the blessings of God on this nation. We long for an OUTPOURING, a FLOOD, a DELUGE of the Holy Spirit, that will sweep away the thick two-thousand-year-old veil cast over our nation. We long for such a deluge of the Holy Spirit and for the actual Presence of God in our midst. Plainly said; We dlong for Him! God has promised to come to us, He has promised to save us and send light, that we might see Him!
We prayed for the Body of Messiah in the Land from Isaiah 33:6 and Isaiah 33:15-17
In the midst of difficult, dangerous and unstable times, God promises to be, Himself, the stability of those who fear Him, to be the source of their wisdom and strength. He encourages His people and instructs them to walk in integrity and holiness and promises the ultimate of delight: Those who walk with Him in this way will see the King in His beauty.
We prayed for the Body of Messiah
The nations and Israel’s enemies Isaiah 34:1-4
These verses are a prophetic utterance expressing the judgment of not only the nations but the rebellious armies of heaven. Why is the language so strong and even harsh? If you read Isaiah 33:20-24 you will see that it is because Jerusalem (Zion) is the dwelling place of God, that it is His headquarters on the earth, that from there He reigns supreme. His reign means Life, Grace, Justice and all that is good and wholesome. And although Israel, in and of itself is nothing, in God’s plan it is central. God will bless the earth through this nation, whether the nations like that plan or not.
We include here a prayer regarding Jewish Terror
I will never forget the time, in which my son, who was a Captain in the IDF at the time, came home and shared with me a shocking incident. A teenage settler tried to knife him! This happened because the army, guarding the settlements, was seen as a limiting force rather than a protecting force. He shared with me how lawless some of those regions were and how lawless some of the teenagers were becoming.
A few weeks ago three extreme Yeshiva boys hurled stones on passing cars on the main throughway in Samaria, a Palestinian vehicle was hit, and a woman, sitting in the passenger side of the car was killed.
Too, these teenage rebels and zealots are anti-Zionist! One was filmed burning an Israeli flag, and in another picture, a swastika is drawn in the midst of the flag. The wording on the top says: "death to the Zionists".
Yet, with all of this goodness, the Sea of Galilee is 5 1/2 meters below its optimal level.
We rejoice in the blessing but continue to pray for the fullness.
We long for rain of The Spirit
This is also true for the Holy Spirit fullness we so yearn for. There is plenty of good to thank God for, in the Body of Messiah, yet our hearts long and ache for The Fullness of the blessings of God on this nation. We long for an OUTPOURING, a FLOOD, a DELUGE of the Holy Spirit, that will sweep away the thick two-thousand-year-old veil cast over our nation. We long for such a deluge of the Holy Spirit and for the actual Presence of God in our midst. Plainly said; We dlong for Him! God has promised to come to us, He has promised to save us and send light, that we might see Him!
- We prayed for Israel in this vein, crying out to the Lord to pour His Spirit upon our nation which is described in Ezekiel 37:8 thus: “……as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.” We may be alive as a nation again, but we are not ALIVE to God yet, this can only come as God comes to us and breathes upon us by the Holy Spirit.
We prayed for the Body of Messiah in the Land from Isaiah 33:6 and Isaiah 33:15-17
In the midst of difficult, dangerous and unstable times, God promises to be, Himself, the stability of those who fear Him, to be the source of their wisdom and strength. He encourages His people and instructs them to walk in integrity and holiness and promises the ultimate of delight: Those who walk with Him in this way will see the King in His beauty.
We prayed for the Body of Messiah
- Revive your Body O’ Lord,
- Reinvigorate your Children’s faith in You
- Strengthen those who are struggling to walk in your ways
- Strengthen those who are fearful and discouraged
- Forgive our idolatry and our reliance on anything but yourself dear Lord
- We declare you the master of our life, time, work, wishes — we give you back the Lordship you insist on in our lives
- Fill us with the Spirit of repentance and turning to yourself O God
- Turn us, and we shall be turned
- Wash our hearts from dead works to serve the Living God in Joy and Love
- Ignite within your people the hope of beholding our King in His Beauty
- Reveal Yourself in the midst of your Body
- Glorify your name in the congregations
The nations and Israel’s enemies Isaiah 34:1-4
These verses are a prophetic utterance expressing the judgment of not only the nations but the rebellious armies of heaven. Why is the language so strong and even harsh? If you read Isaiah 33:20-24 you will see that it is because Jerusalem (Zion) is the dwelling place of God, that it is His headquarters on the earth, that from there He reigns supreme. His reign means Life, Grace, Justice and all that is good and wholesome. And although Israel, in and of itself is nothing, in God’s plan it is central. God will bless the earth through this nation, whether the nations like that plan or not.
- We prayed for Israel’s protection from the immediate danger is faces from Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
- We prayed for Israel’s protection from Iran, which continues to strive to reach the Mediterranean, through Syria unceasingly. (Iran continues to do everything in its power to supply Hezbollah with sophisticated weaponry for use against Israel. They will undoubtedly unleash their Hezbollah proxy when they are ready!
- We prayed into Israel strategic cooperation with the Emirates, with Saudi Arabia and with Egypt. This cooperation would have been unthinkable a few years ago.
- We prayed for Israel to be strategically and tactically ready by being able to read the map rightly and understand with wisdom what its enemies are doing.
- We prayed for the new Chief of Staff who takes full command of the IDF this Tuesday.
We include here a prayer regarding Jewish Terror
I will never forget the time, in which my son, who was a Captain in the IDF at the time, came home and shared with me a shocking incident. A teenage settler tried to knife him! This happened because the army, guarding the settlements, was seen as a limiting force rather than a protecting force. He shared with me how lawless some of those regions were and how lawless some of the teenagers were becoming.
A few weeks ago three extreme Yeshiva boys hurled stones on passing cars on the main throughway in Samaria, a Palestinian vehicle was hit, and a woman, sitting in the passenger side of the car was killed.
Too, these teenage rebels and zealots are anti-Zionist! One was filmed burning an Israeli flag, and in another picture, a swastika is drawn in the midst of the flag. The wording on the top says: "death to the Zionists".
- Please pray for the government to know how to to deal with these issues decisively and promptly.
- Please pray for law and order to be established in the territories and settlements
- Please pray for the leaders of these settlements and Yeshivas to gain authority and respect in these places with a view to restoring sanity, and perspective.
Thank you for praying with us. Blessings from Jerusalem,