Every Wednesday evening we gather for intercession for the restoration of Israel.
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
The following is shared with you to help you in your own praying and interceding.
These are prayer directions rather than prayer points.
We want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to lead you and your group to pray as you are led.
If you would like to receive these Prayer Directions regularly, or
If at any time you want to be removed from the list, please write us at:
[email protected]
Recently, I found an American Bible Society bookmark, from 1959, in one of the used books I bought some years ago. It is a Bible reading plan to be read between Thanksgiving and the end of the year; November 26 to December 31.
Looking closely at it, I saw that the readings for December 1-3 were from the book of Romans as follows: December 1 - Rom 8:1-17, December 2 - Rom 8:18-39, December 3 - Romans 12:1-21.
Romans 9 to 11 is skipped entirely; Israel’s restoration is skipped entirely, and its place in world redemption ignored, this by the Bible Society. How tragic!
This kind of thing is also true of the Jewish yearly cycle of daily readings, which include readings from the Torah, and from the prophets (and other portions.) Isaiah 53 is skipped over! One of the greatest prophecies that describes the Savior, is ignored!
Skip over Yeshua? Can’t be done, it will do no good. Skip over Israel’s restoration, the same thing; it will do no good.
Without Yeshua, there is no salvation, and God’s plan regarding Israel’s place in world redemption cannot be changed by man. Romans 9-11 describes some of the most profound things regarding the fullness of God’s eternal plan.
We read: Romans 9:1-8, Romans 10:1-4, Romans 11: 11-12, 15
Rom. 9:3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh,
Rom. 9:4 who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises;
Paul’s wish to be accursed for his own people if it could help in their salvation does not stem from some sentimental emotion. Rather from a profound recognition that those things that belong to Israel’s restoration are absolutely central to the fullness of God’s plan. Think of it; he was willing to be separated from Messiah forever if it would further God’s global and eternal plan.
O’ may we at least have a zeal to live for Him and give our lives in His service! How few of us actually have a revelation of God’s purposes on the earth and then give ourselves to intercede for its fulfillment!
Adoption speaks of sonship, and of a full and complete inheritance—the fullness of salvation, body soul and spirit! It is the fullness of God in His saved ones. Of this, Paul declares, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1Corinthians 2:9)
We prayed into the eternal purpose of God and cried for its completion
We prayed for Israel’s restoration
Rom. 10:3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.
We prayed for the Church
We prayed for the formation of a government in Israel
We are just a few days before the time to form a government runs out, and new elections are declared. Avigdor Liberman has promised that his party will make some fateful decisions during this coming weekend, all to avoid the 3rd election.
The whole thing points to the rather awful condition in which our political system finds itself. It also points to the deep philosophical differences and visions regarding Israel's character and future.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Looking closely at it, I saw that the readings for December 1-3 were from the book of Romans as follows: December 1 - Rom 8:1-17, December 2 - Rom 8:18-39, December 3 - Romans 12:1-21.
Romans 9 to 11 is skipped entirely; Israel’s restoration is skipped entirely, and its place in world redemption ignored, this by the Bible Society. How tragic!
This kind of thing is also true of the Jewish yearly cycle of daily readings, which include readings from the Torah, and from the prophets (and other portions.) Isaiah 53 is skipped over! One of the greatest prophecies that describes the Savior, is ignored!
Skip over Yeshua? Can’t be done, it will do no good. Skip over Israel’s restoration, the same thing; it will do no good.
Without Yeshua, there is no salvation, and God’s plan regarding Israel’s place in world redemption cannot be changed by man. Romans 9-11 describes some of the most profound things regarding the fullness of God’s eternal plan.
We read: Romans 9:1-8, Romans 10:1-4, Romans 11: 11-12, 15
Rom. 9:3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh,
Rom. 9:4 who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises;
Paul’s wish to be accursed for his own people if it could help in their salvation does not stem from some sentimental emotion. Rather from a profound recognition that those things that belong to Israel’s restoration are absolutely central to the fullness of God’s plan. Think of it; he was willing to be separated from Messiah forever if it would further God’s global and eternal plan.
O’ may we at least have a zeal to live for Him and give our lives in His service! How few of us actually have a revelation of God’s purposes on the earth and then give ourselves to intercede for its fulfillment!
Adoption speaks of sonship, and of a full and complete inheritance—the fullness of salvation, body soul and spirit! It is the fullness of God in His saved ones. Of this, Paul declares, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1Corinthians 2:9)
We prayed into the eternal purpose of God and cried for its completion
- We thanked God for the cross of Yeshua, for the salvation we have in Him
- We thanked God for Yeshua who became accursed for us and for His eternal plan that God may fulfill His will on the earth
- We prayed for the fullness of salvation to be fulfilled in the earth and for Israel to be restored that those things may come to pass.
- We were moved by the realization that God is moving with a purpose to fulfill His purpose. “You have a purpose, Lord, you have a plan. We thank you for it and ask for it to come to pass, as you have spoken.”
- Lord, you put in Abraham’s heart hope for a son, for an heir, and he did not give up believing and hoping and waiting upon your Word to be done. Birth within us the same expectant faith and desire for the fullness of your Son’s reign in our lives
We prayed for Israel’s restoration
Rom. 10:3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.
- O’ Lord, what vanity! How futile is the pursuit of establishing our own righteousness! How horrific it is that we, as a nation, have not submitted to the righteousness of God
- We cry for our people, secular and religious, we are always correcting each other, teaching each other, always trying to be the ‘right one.’
- Lord, Israel is so full of self-righteousness, how odious this must be to you!
- Open our eyes, Lord! Let us see that all our righteousness is as filthy rags.
- Let a deep conviction come upon us as a nation, by the holy spirit, of our need, of our nakedness before you.
- Lord, open the eyes of our nation to see the gift of God in Messiah as you have been offering it for two thousand years now.
- Let a great humbling of ourselves come at the sight of you, the one who was crucified.
- Thank you, Lord, that you have loved us with an everlasting love in spite of this folly.
- Thank you, Lord, that you keep your covenants and are faithful to them
- We thank you that your plan cannot fail! Because you will keep and fulfill all your promises. It cannot fail! Isaiah 49:13-16
We prayed for the Church
- Lord, Paul wrote the gentiles because they have a role in the fulfillment of your end-time purposes.
- Lord bring the Church to an understanding, light, godliness that she may fulfill the role you have called her to!
- May the Church understand your Word and respond to the altar call of Romans 2:1-2
- Thank you for those in the Church who know, who intercede, who teach without apology those things
- Lord, remove the opinionated attitude of the Church that is informed more by the media than the Word of God
- Lord let the Church do mercy as it is called to in Romans 11:30-31 (See the ESV for a very good translation of these verses)
- Lord, the Church is so filled with false teachings, bring light dear Lord.
- Let the Church come back to the Word, let the Word become central in it preaching
- Let the Church desire, like Paul, to get a hold of your heart and lend itself for the fulfillment of your will in the same passion
We prayed for the formation of a government in Israel
We are just a few days before the time to form a government runs out, and new elections are declared. Avigdor Liberman has promised that his party will make some fateful decisions during this coming weekend, all to avoid the 3rd election.
The whole thing points to the rather awful condition in which our political system finds itself. It also points to the deep philosophical differences and visions regarding Israel's character and future.
- We thanked God for His eternal plan, using Romans 9:4-5
- We thanked God that His Word cannot be broken
- We thanked God for His promises regarding this land and its role in the world
- We prayed for God to move sovereignly to align Israel with that role
- We prayed that God will give us a government that will even unwittingly carry out His will for this time
- We prayed that He will provide us with a government that will fit His own prophetic time
- We prayed for the Lord to move and give us governors after His own heart, and that will be aligned with Him.
- Egos -Lord deflate egos, bring down the pride of man
- Remove the impasse
- Lord give us a government that will do much good for this country, according to your promises
Blessings from Jerusalem,